We won ‘IT Product of the Year’ at the British Legal Technology Awards 2020!

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Ed Boulle

Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
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Last week, Orbital Witness won ‘IT Product of the Year’ at the British Legal Technology Awards 2020! And we couldn’t be more excited 🎉

This award recognises companies for their innovative products and solutions that have delivered on their vision, differentiation, practicality, and importance to the sector. 

We are delighted and honoured to have won the award. This is a real tribute to the dedication and passion our team has put in to make property transactions radically more transparent, understandable, and efficient. Our people are what drives the success of Orbital Witness and we couldn’t be more proud of what we have achieved so far.

“Receiving this recognition demonstrates that we are fulfilling our purpose to bring a new way of thinking into property transactions. But of course, we could not have done it without our clients who have supported us at each step of our journey.” 

What we did to get here 

Property due diligence is trapped in the past – slow, costly, and an indemnity hot potato. These antiquated ways hold up everyone in the process and keep highly skilled people in a cage of low-value paperwork. 

That’s why we’ve been busy developing intelligent solutions for real estate lawyers to review and understand property risks with a much higher degree of insight and efficiency than has previously been possible. Our platform significantly reduces the cost and turnaround time it takes to deliver accurate and immediate insights to clients. With Orbital Witness, lawyers can finally spend time on higher-value work instead of paperwork, and their clients can know what they are getting into, right at the beginning of a transaction.

Where we are heading 

We are building a product that incorporates a Universal Risk Rating for all types of property transactions – an actionable risk profile that’s easy to understand. We are pioneering a revolution in common sense where access to property information is front-loaded and simplified so anyone, anywhere can get a clear picture of a property before spending any significant time or money. 

We will achieve this through a fully automated solution that supplements, and eventually replaces, the existing, manual approach to property due diligence. We want to lead a change so significant and pervasive, that the old ways seem ridiculous, and the Orbital Witness way becomes universal. Stay tuned…

Despite the curveballs 2020 threw our way, we’ve had a very successful year and expect things to only progress from here on. Winning this award is a big achievement for Orbital Witness and this is just the beginning. Congratulations to all the other winners and nominees and cheers to celebrating our award via Zoom 🎉

Do you want to learn more about how Orbital Witness can help your firm? Get in touch 😄

Ed Boulle

Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer

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